
We are well into the New Year and looking ahead. And, looking ahead is always a plus in the heating and cooling world. It’s not a great experience to buy a new hot water heater after the old one burst and you’re suffering from water damage. Or, waiting on a new install for a furnace or boiler in cold winter months. But planning ahead will help.

Tax refunds may be a few months out, but we have some answers for you now on the affordability of new heating, cooling or home services by Brown’s.

Do you know we offer 1-year financing through Wells Fargo bank? This means you will have ability to make affordable payments each month and have your project paid off in a year's time if you desire. Arrangements can be made right on our website and the funds can be used for new heating or cooling, indoor air quality products, home services such as painting, home repairs, decking and of course all plumbing needs. Why not check some home repairs off of your Wish List now? 

Stay safe and be kind to each other. We’re all showing up each day. 

Doug Brown
Are you curious about tankless hot water heaters? 
Are they worth the investment?
Is it really endless hot water? 
Watch this short video below: